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Mother's Day Gifts

Mother's Day is Sunday 10th March 2024, so get your skates on and spoil mum this year with one of our fab Mother's day hampers or a selection of retro sweets and chocolates that will make Mums day. You can include a personalised gift message free of charge in the checkout to go with your order. We do not include any billing details with your order so no need to worry about letting on how much you may have spent.

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Featured Reviews
28 December 2023  |  Alan

Wonderful product, filling the hole left with the demise of Bassett's Clarnico mint creams. Can't understand why they are not more popular.

Just what my wife ordered
27 December 2023  |  Mike

These were purchased as a gift for my wife who remembered them from her chilhood in Germany some fifty years ago. Her judgement: very good and authentic!

Totally merited 5 stars
26 December 2023  |  Joseph

Searching for these drinks, I accidentally stumbled onto this website. Excellent service and goods arrived promptly and safely. The drink is going down very well. Gladly recommend the drink and Treasure Island Sweets.

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